
Thursday 9 June 2016


why set Goals?
The FBI went into one town to investigate the work of what appeared to be a sharpshooter. They were amazed to find many bulls- eyes drawn on various targets with bullets that had penetrated the exact center of the targets. When they finally found the man who had been doing the shooting, they asked him what his secret was.
The answer was simple: he shot the bullet first and drew the bull’s-eye later.
In application: Do we allow our activities to determine our goals, or do we have our goals determine our activities?
You can accomplish a lot in life. Get your eyes on what you want. Don’t think of the reason you can’t have something. Focus in on how. Remember what Warren Buffett said. Speaking to a group of students, the billionaire made this statement about their potential to succeed in life:
“Everybody here has the ability absolutely to do anything I do and much beyond. Some of you will, and some of you won’t. For the ones who won’t, it will be because you get in your own way, not because the world doesn’t allow you.”
When you feel good, who’s making you feel good? YOU ARE!
 But, you simply have a rule that says you have to wait until A, B, and C occur before you allow yourself to feel good. WHY WAIT?
ask yourself the “what if...?” question.
How would you answer the ultimate “what if...” question:
If I had to live my life over, what would I do differently?
Dr. Anthony Campolo, Professor of Sociology at Eastern College, St. Davids,
Pennsylvania, shares the results of a survey where 50 people 95 years and older were asked:
 “If you could live your life over what would you do differently?” The answers were surprising. These old folks said that if they could live their lives over they would:

1. refect more.
These seniors said they would take the time to think about what was going on and live their lives along well-thought-out priorities. They would contemplate the meaning of life, family, work and much more.

2.Risk more.
These wonderful people said that they would have taken more chances in life. If they could re-live their lives, they wouldn’t be so scared to take risks. They would have developed more courage to venture out of their comfort zones.

3. do things that would out-last them.
They wanted to know their lives counted for something, that long after they left this world their impact would somehow live on. We all can learn something from these people about setting goals. Consider what they said as you set the course for your life.
“It’s better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life.”sister Elizabeth Kenny

They keep you focused.
They give you something for which to aim. They keep solution ideas flowing. They give you enthusiasm.
They chart your course in life.
They give you purpose.
They help you stay productive.
They give you clarity in decision-making.
They provide a measuring stick for considering ideas.
They help you stay organized.
They help you sell yourself to others.
They help you judge your productivity and effectiveness.
They will make your boss happy.

work Goals
What goals do you want to reach in this area?
 A raise? A promotion?
Would you like to win some award or special recognition?
Where do you see your career going?
Would you like to change your career?

How much money do you desire?
What will your bank account or investments be like in the future?
Would you like to make a million dollars? Would you like to own more real estate? What will your annual income be in five years?
When will you build the new wing down at the cancer hospital?

Which organisations will you join?
What will your social life be like in the future?
Would you like new relationships?
 Would you like to make improvements in this area?
What kind of friend will you be to others?

What state will your body be in next year at this time?
 If you plan to lose weight-how much? When? Would you like to eat better? Would you like to have more energy?
 Going to start exercising soon? When? Where? With whom?

How will you develop your mind?
What would you like to learn more than anything else?
Can you think of some books you would like to read or courses you would like to take? What will they be?
Memory training? Public speaking? New language?

What would you like to change at home? Are you spending quality time developing solid relationships?
What goals do you have for your family life?
What trips, events, plans will make you richer on the family side of life?

What aspect of your spiritual life will you develop?
Have you sensed a certain emptiness that spiritual development may solve?
What will you do about it?
What will your involvement be in spiritual organizations?

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