
Friday 10 June 2016


The Current Reality Trap
In The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace says, "You have the natural and inherent power to think what you want to think, but it requires more effort to do so than to think the thoughts that are suggested by appearances."

What Wattles is saying here is that when you think according to what you see around you – the current appearance of things … what you see as your result right now … it's easy to KEEP thinking that way.
 I mean, how in the world do you expect to get yourself out of this current result – you don’t know HOW it's going to change, so how can you THINK of it actually happening?

It's true - thinking your way out of your CURRENT result does take work. In fact, Wallace Wattles says the same when he writes, "To think TRUTH regardless of appearance is laborious and requires the expenditure of more power than any other work a person has to perform." But the key is - it CAN be done.

As a child you were probably programmed in much the same way as I was.
Although this "programming" started when we were babies, receiving report cards in elementary school is a great example, that's pretty universal to all of us. We were trained to look at the grades on our report card, rather than focus on the image of the grade we desired. We learned to let our results control our thinking instead of the other way around
Think about your debt and that's what you attract - MORE debt. Worry about your health and disease and that's the way you attract - MORE ill health.

See, because our thinking only and always controls our results … we need to be completely focused on – and be thinking about – DIFFERENT results than what we currently HAVE!
It's time to escape the current reality trap and to create your future anew.

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