
Wednesday 6 July 2016


So which is it? Is life Rich?
Or is life Hard?”

What a strange question. Without thinking, Richard said “Life is hard… Isn’t it?”

The Gardener sat like she was listening to some wonderful music in the air. Then from her smiling breath came a whispered melody “Well, well, well…”
The shiver turned into a spine tingling revelation.

Richard’s eyes widened and began to water.
“Well, well, well.”
And then he saw the magic all at once.
It caught his breath.
“Well, well, well.”
It really was magic. It was all around him. It had been there all day and he hadn’t seen it. Now, all of a sudden, he was seeing more clearly. What he saw stunned him. It was totally overwhelming.

He jumped up and danced across the garden, “Well, well, well! It’s the Well of Wealth! You all know it already! Anyone can see it, but most of us don’t! I never saw it. But I can see it now! The Well is in our Words!”


He sat back on the bench, wiping the tears from his eyes. “I didn’t mean what I said. I really didn’t mean it.
Life isn’t hard. Life is Rich. I really believe life is Rich, and it is Richer than I ever imagined.”

The Gardener added “Life is Hard or Life is Rich – what you see is always what you get.”
Then she echoed “The Well is in your Words”.

Richard spoke with a tingle of excitement, “I could feel that the people I’ve met today think differently from my father and the people I know in the village.
They use different words and they ask better questions. I thought that they could ask better
questions because they have a better mindset. But now I know I had it all upside down.”

“They have a better mindset because they asked better questions. Because they used better words.”

 “The Plumber, the Optician.
They started just like me, just like my father. But when they started changing their words, they
started growing their clarity. They began to tap into the Well and that’s why they are now wealthy.”
“All our lives, we have been visiting the Well of Wealth. But it’s not the real Well at all. The real Well is in our Words, and it is so much bigger than I ever imagined.”

 “And every Word of Wealth that you speak or think taps in to the Well. Every
better question that you ask draws from the Well.

It’s limitless.”
“It’s magic!”

“I used to earn simply as a gardener, but I put some of my earnings aside and more importantly
I invested my time in becoming very convincing in front of financiers and bankers. I also invested my time to meet and learn from successful land and property developers.”

“I had a vision to own my own piece of mother nature, you see. My vision was that nature would
give me my wealth, and I would give my wealth to nature in return. That’s what a good gardener does.
That’s what you see here. I’m living my dream.”

Richard asked the next question anyway. “And how did you get so wealthy?”

The gardener laughed at the river. “I became a better gardener!”

To me, gardening isn’t my work. It’s my passion. Every moment gardening I’m fulfilling my vision. That’s the secret, Richard. Your wealth starts in your mind. Wealth isn’t the end. It’s the beginning.”

 “When I decided to become a better gardener, I minimized the time I spent and I maximized the time I invested.
 I treated my life as a garden, and my focus was like my garden hose. What I focused on was watered and grew. What I did not focus on dried and died.”

Richard thought about all the weeds in his father’s garden that were constantly focused on. Every time his father said “It’s not fair” he had watered and grown that weed into an enormous tree. Even worse, all the gifts and aspirations had been neglected, and had shriveled.

“I sowed the seeds in every new person I met and in every new tool I learnt to use. I nurtured my relationships and my investments. I reaped the rewards consciously and when the time was right. If I had not, I am likely to have tried to reap too early, not sown with enough care or not nurtured with enough commitment.

 “If you want to find your vision, follow your passion.

The less your work feels like work, the closer you are getting.”

If you seek your vision, let passion be your compass.

 “If you were to give me your best words of wisdom, what would they be?”

 “The World is waiting,

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