
Wednesday 6 July 2016


“You must be the Optometrist. The Old Lady sent me. I want to be

The Optometrist looked at Richard with amusement.

“Well, well, well! How wealthy?”

 “Oh, that’s simple! Just ask better questions.”
“So how wealthy are you?”

“I have enough income that I don’t need to work, I spend my time doing what I enjoy, and I contribute to the world in ways that give me total fulfillment.”

Richard looked at the man blankly.
“But how much money do you have?”

“So how did you become wealthy?”

With a twinkle in his eye, the Optometrist confided,“I became a better Optometrist.”
“And how did becoming a better Optometrist make
you wealthy?”
“My job is to fix people’s eyesight. I specialize in children. When a child is born with imperfect eyesight they live for the first few years in a blurred world, not knowing any better. When they put on the glasses that I prescribe they will often say
“So THAT’S what the world is supposed to look like!”.

“What gave you that feeling?”

“It’s not just what you ask, son. It’s when you ask it.

Now, as I was saying, things felt blurry. I was following the crowd, living my life. I was even visiting that Well of Wealth every day. Then several years ago I asked myself, what if I became a better optometrist in my life?”

“The answer was simple.
 I would have clarity.
 I would have focus.
 I would have VISION!
That’s when I realized I really was blurred. Because I didn’t have crystal clear clarity about who I was, I didn’t have a clear focus in my life. In fact, I was quite aimless, following the crowd.”

“I soon realized that every great person started their journey with a great vision. They had the clarity to see where they were, and where they needed to go. Then they had the laser focus to get there. So I decided to find my vision. When I found it, my life transformed.”

Richard asked another question: “So you decided to work harder as a better Optometrist?”

I don’t need to work at all. My money works for me. I have investments that give me enough money to live on.
I decided to BE a better Optometrist, not DO better Optometry. It wasn’t my profession that made me wealthy. It was discovering my true vision.

 “Now, few people become wealthy in a vacuum or simply off their own resources. Your wealth will come from the time, talent, interest and resources of those around you. That means your ability to communicate will be a key to your success. There are four levels of communication, and you choose at which level you want to play.”

The Optometrist pointed to the first level.
“Most people simply choose to EXCHANGE, which means they can spend hours complaining or chatting without creating any clarity. People like to exchange, but no one got wealthy doing it.”

He then pointed to the second level.
“Some people choose to get more clarity, and when they do, they create meaning and value in their relationships.
They CONNECT with those around them, which attracts more relationships and cooperation. These people are great team players and will become some of your greatest assets.”

“A smaller group of people choose to become proactive with their lives, and they create a focus that others can relate to.
These people are leaders.
They MOTIVATE which creates connection AND momentum.”

The Optometrist pointed proudly to the fourth level.
“This is where I choose to play. When you INSPIRE, you become a leader of leaders. To inspire, you need vision, no doubt about it.
When you play at this level, your vision becomes the cornerstone of your leadership. The key to your wealth is to learn how to lead leaders.”

Richard now said “If I look for my vision, how will I know when I get there?”

When you find your vision, everything will suddenly become crystal clear. You will look around and say ‘So THAT’S what the world is supposed to look like!’

That is when you will begin to attract the people, the opportunities and the wealth you desire.”

Richard thought about the Well of Wealth. That was where money came from.
He asked the Optometrist
“So do you still visit the Well of Wealth now that you
are wealthy?”.

The Optometrist laughed. “I became wealthy when I stopped visiting the Well. The Well isn’t where you think it is, son. I became wealthy once I found my clarity, my focus and my vision.”

“And how did you find those things?”
“You should go see the Plumber for that. That’s what I did.”

Richard looked at the Optometrist. “My father says to be true to myself. Why do I need to find a vision if I can just be true to myself?”

The Optometrist smiled. “Is your father true to himself?”

 “Richard, what your father says is right, but only if you see the words for what they are. If you are true to your past self, you will stay as you are. If you decide to be true to your future self, then your life will change beyond measure.

 If you simply want to be true to your past self, a sharp memory is sufficient.

However, you will be destined to remain exactly as you are today.”

“If you are committed to being true to your future self, you need vision. Without it, you are on a journey without a destination. You will wander aimlessly looking for answers, only to return to what you already know.

When your vision becomes stronger than your memory, your future will become more precious than your past.”

Of all the things that you have said, what is the most useful message I can take away with me?”

The Optometrist replied:
“Your greatest asset is your vision of who you will become. Few people realize this.
 Invest in clarifying your vision.
Once you are focused on your vision and it becomes real, this asset becomes so valuable, you can begin to trade it. Trade even a small fraction of it, and you will become as wealthy as you desire.”

 Choose the level you want to play at.
 What you see is always what you get.

Learn to see better and you will get better.”

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