
Thursday 17 March 2016


Just last week we celebrated international womens day. Our mothers received warm wishes of long and short messages wishing them the best of the day and week. Well, some of them did not-maybe because they cannot read or wronged their children in some way, or maybe someone somewhere forgot!
A mother is the greatest gift God gave to us. They are human, they can wrong us and fail to be there when we need thembut hey! cmon, cut them some slack.
Theres this story that always touches my heart each time I tell or read it. It is about an old lady whose phone never received any text messages or calls and so she got worried and decided to take it to a  fundi.
After examining the phone she was told that the phone was in good working condition.It was only that nobody was calling or sending her text messages. She was so devastated.
It is our responsibility to always take care of our parents and guardians and to always check on them regularly. Make them feel appreciated and treasured. Its the least we can do.
And so, to my dear mother I dedicate this piece.
Mother dear,
The memories I have of my growing up are cherished and wonderful. At times I was not understanding enough, but you were patient enough and held my hand unconditionally. I lack words to express what I feel whenever I think of you. You were and always will be the one I look up to.Wewe ni team loyal.
The lessons I have learnt and the ones Im still learning from you are the pillars of the woman I am today and the woman Im hoping to be.
The few that I can jot down, I will:

1.  Interest
First step to achieving anything is interest. You can have the right attitude but have no interest and not do it BUT you could have the interest but the attitude is wanting and still make it.
Learn to listen and listen to learn.
Ha-haI remember in high school I used not to like C.R.E as a subject so you made me see Mrs. Bakari every morning with a smile on my face to greet her. Thats how I developed interest in the subject!

2.    Attitude
Attitude is how you feel towards something or someone or how you perceive it. Attitude is reflected in behavior. A better attitude, a better life.
The right attitude to things that matter in life is key to great achievement. The things that matter is in our prioritization list. 

3.  Effort
Even physics defines effort as the use of physical and mental energy to do something.
Do nothing, be nothing. But as you put effort in what you pursue, always be gentle with yourself.I get challenged whenever you change your dress code from a career woman to a humble farmer. Your hard work inspires me mommy.

4.  Sacrifice
Giving up what you like for the sake of a better option is sacrifice.
Nothing comes easy!
Life is a marathon, very crowded at the take-off. Along the way people fall out-even those with interest, positive attitudes and intense efforts.
To achieve something big you have to sacrifice big. Sacrifice sleep, pleasure and the things we value for the sake of the better options that we want.IT IS WORTH IT.

5.  Family comes first
Every holiday when you meet up with your siblings,every time that you check on them,every time that we go visiting our cousinsI learn from you that family comes first.
Family is like music. Some high notes, some low notes but at the end its always a beautiful song. And family, in the face of all the aridity and disenchantment of life, can never be as perennial as the grass.

6.    Que sera sera (whatever will be, will be)
The future is not ours to see.
It teaches about the optimism in life. Having expectations mostly leads to disappointments and sadness .The secret to happiness is low expectationsexpect the worst and you will never be disappointed!

7.  Keep more women in my circle
Women will always need women in their lives. Ladies keep grandmothers, mothers, sisters, aunties, cousins, friends and daughters in their circle. Each woman needs an older,same age and younger woman in her circle.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

8.  Youve always taught me to pursue the impossibilities.
My mother believes in being the flow. She says dont follow the flow, be the flow
I remember when I was joining high school, form one 14th February, 2008. You handed me a physics text book and encouraged me to pursue it (at that time most ladies preferred humanities to sciences).
Youve always been on my team and encouraged me to dream big and think out of the box and if possible think as if theres no box.

9.  Patience is a virtue
Good things come to those who wait.
Results come after an attempt and they are always not immediate.

10.             To earn what I deserve
Mom does not believe in free things because when the deal is too good, you should think twice. Favors come with feelings of I owe youand the more favors you get, the more owings youll have. Why not just work for it, or just wait till you can afford or have it.

11.             The way of the Lord
Each night we pray before bed as a family, the duty rosters you make us prepare, the way you insist on observing the Sabbath, the way you make us feel guilty when we want to dodge church. The times you make us sing in front of the congregation in church-heeee! Mom. Youve moulded me to emulate the proverbs 31 woman.
Therefore,be at peace with God,whatever you conceive Him to be,and whatever your labors and aspirations,in the noisy confusion of life,keep peace with your soul.

12.             Strong women never give up
Giving up is never an option in your world. You believe in winning because quitters never win and winners never quit.

13.               One true loyal friend is way more valuable than a million ones who make you question their loyalty
Mommy believes in friendship and its foundation LOYALTY.You will know your true friends when you need them most.
I am following your footsteps and the lessons Ive learnt from you.My story will take a different path from yours but at the end of it, thou shalt be proud of me-thy daughter.
Talking about you gives me Goosebumps!
I am still writing my story maI know you will enjoy the fruits of your labour in me.
I am thankful for your patience, love,understanding and for always lending me your listening ear. I am forever indebted to you.
You are the Best mom-given a million chances, Id still choose you. Thou art infinitely hearted ma!


  1. Thanks Jay Gee for reminding us the good Virtuee.We really must Respect our Heroine Mothers...The Patience and Zeal in taking care of us through out our child and adulthood...

