
Thursday 17 March 2016


Have you ever felt a potential love for someone? Like you don’t actually love him or her and you know you don’t, but you know you could. You realize that you could easily fall in love with them and you like them alot, you really do. You think about them like all the time but you don’t love them. You could though. Ahaaa! That one! The person that just crossed your mind is the one we are talking about-your crush.
We all have a crush at some point in our lives. Some last for long, others fade so fast.
Both ladies and gentlemen have crushes. A crush is not gender biased.

What types of crushes are there?
Crushes vary from real human beings like our friends, colleagues, random strangers, Celebrities to fictional characters in novels,cartoons. Or they could be an older or younger person than you or even the same age as you.

Can I have a crush on someone of the opposite sex?
Of course!
Wednesdays are always meant for women we have crushes on*woman crush Wednesday* and Mondays for the men we have crushes on. This does not mean that these days limit us on having same gender crushes. It’s okay, it’s allowed and it’s normal.

What makes us have a crush on someone?
Could be their height, their voice, their looks, their feminity or masculinity, their eyes, their personality, the role they play, their choice of words or their fashion sense. Just anything!

How many crushes can one have?
There’s no limit on the number of crushes one can have. Some of us have an unlimited number (ha-ha) while others have just a few, maybe one or two.

How do you feel when you see or notice your crush across a room, or next to you or coming your way­?
The feeling is so confusing. This is when you feel like your zipper is not okay, you feel your hair is not perfect, you feel nervous and  sweaty, your voice is dry, your mind goes blank, you want to adjust your dress and there’s an annoyingly strong urge to touch your nose(ha-ha…..for some people). You feel a whole zoo in your stomach-feeling butterflies is an understatement!

Would you talk to your crush about your feelings towards them?
Personally, I would. 
Some people would never have the courage to openly tell their crushes about how they feel. They belong to the school of belief that crushes are meant to be treasured from a distance.Here’s my argument: nobody is perfect, and so is your crush. I’d openly talk to my crush about my feelings towards him and through that, I’d come to know their weaknesses that would really turn me off.
The worst case is when your crush is so perfect (ha-ha…I just remembered this one guy in my class I had a crush on. He is tall, not dark and he is good-looking with an appealing masculine physique. He is intelligent,humble,always shows up  dressed  like a designer-he actually inspires my dress code because I have to match his standards just to get him to talk to me-he is the type of guy that will give you goose bumps by just looking at you.
 I got fed up with always getting all nervous and sweaty when around him. So I “stole”his number from my class whatsapp group and befriended him. The better I knew him, the more I liked him. It was so annoying!
You could talk to your crush about how you feel, you’ll laugh about it and let it remain a memory.
Or you could just love them from a distance and wish someday they notice you. This is what I call H.O.P.E.

What if your crush tells you they like you back?
Personally, I’d be turned off. Like totally!
A crush is someone you only want to have in your fantasies and from a distance. They spark our imagination, they take us on a mental journey to what perfection is like.
Some people would jump at the chance of being with their crushes while others would turn down the chance. Where do you fall? What would you do?
The crushes that last years after years of knowing the other persons weaknesses might be love…….
 It’s a nice feeling though-having a crush on someone. Some we know we stand no chances with while for others, we know we are their happiness-ha-ha.

If you have a crush on me, bring it on baby! I’ve waited for you like forever!


  1. Awesome Jay Gee.. I partly agree with your sentiments. Keep us being posted on the life realities.

    1. You just made me smile..I completely agree with u I think is gud to let them know..u might be surprised they share the same feelings.this piece is really good

  2. :-D you don't want them to like you back?

    1. Yaaaaah
      .I wouldn't like it if my crush liked me's just a turn off for me😱

  3. By letting them know, I completely agree with you on that, a totally concur with most of your sentiments

  4. I recently let my crush know and I must say it is just a thrilling experience having a crush on someone...the blood rush, the numerous moments of awkwardness...they just make this experience worth longing for...

    1. Ahaaa....Kay.your crush story seems to be very interesting....

