
Thursday 9 June 2016


Part 2- The subconscious Mind

This part of you is certainly the most magnifcent. It is your power center. Every thought your conscious mind chooses to accept, this part must willingly accept. It has no ability to reject it.
For every idea your conscious mind conceives, your subconscious mind will create whatever is necessary to fulfil that picture. If you have pictures of poverty in your conscious mind, then your subconscious mind will create exactly that, in reality, right on schedule.
All your prior conditioning from parents, teachers and authority figures is found here. Whatever is impressed in this side of your personality will be expressed through the only medium it can, your body.

Part 3-The body
This part of you is by far the smallest part of who you really are. This part is the
part that expresses what is happening on the inside. Your body never lies.
Whatsoever is impressed on your mind will express itself on the physical plane through your body.Your body is an instrument of the mind; it materialises the exact pictures impressed on the mind. This involves behavior.
Behavior and actions determine results. Want better results? Change your behavior. Want better behavior? Change the pictures in your subconscious mind.
How do you do that? Change the pictures in your conscious mind. You either choose your thoughts or accept them from an outside source. These
thoughts develop into images or ideas in your conscious mind. You then impress the images upon your subconscious mind, causing feelings. The feelings cause actions and the actions cause results.

The Farmer’s Field
The conscious mind is like a farmer deciding what to plant in his feld. The subconscious mind is like the farmer’s feld. It has no choice as to what will be planted. When the farmer plants a corn seed, corn grows in the feld. When a dandelion seed is planted in the farmer’s feld, the farmer will reap a dandelion.
It would be foolish to think that by planting a dandelion seed, a stalk of corn would emerge from the ground, yet many people believe this will happen in their lives.

When you think a negative thought, or concentrate on visions of failure, the results for you will be failure.
You decide which seeds you will plant by the thoughts you think. It is no more possible for you to think negative thoughts and reap positive results than it is for a farmer to plant a dandelion seed and harvest corn.
Some people have been careless in what they have planted over the years, and now they have a field overrun by weeds. It will take a little time to clear the field. Start planting corn right away, and soon you will have a rich and bountiful harvest.
We have no idea how the forces of nature turn an acorn into an oak tree, but we know it will. Your subconscious mind utilizes all of the forces of nature to produce results. It is no more diffcult to plant a seed of corn than it is to plant a weed seed. The subconscious is the servant of man; learn how to use it by giving it commands that will produce the results you want.
Begin by asking some critical questions. The quality of your life is largely determined by the quality of questions you ask.
Start to think more effectively.
Use the Millionaire following questions to get the ball rolling:
**Why do you live from paycheck to paycheck? How do you really feel about your current job?
**What keeps you from improving your life the way you promised you would?
**How do you feel when people around you oppose your efforts to improve yourself? How do you think “winners” think about themselves? Can you think that way, too?

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