
Thursday 9 June 2016


The power of your mind
I know some of you are thinking that this sounds a little bit like hocus-pocus. I am telling you there is more power in your mind than you can ever imagine, and it is the power of your mind that has produced your results thus far, good, bad or indifferent.
You live on three levels of existence simultaneously. You are a spiritual being, you have an intellect, and you live in a physical body. You’re not a body, you just live in a body. You’re not a brain, you use your brain. Who are you, really? You are a spiritual being.
The most powerful part of you is not the physical. It is your spiritual side, your subconscious mind. It is the power to originate thoughts, get the crew working on those thoughts and make an unbelievable amount of resources available to you that are already within you.
Most of us are locked into our physical awareness, but our physical bodies are the smallest part of our existence. We look at our past results, such as how much money they earned last year, and they allow those results to dictate the thoughts about how much we can make in the future.
 I say, look at your bank account and visualize being a millionaire, driving the car you want to drive, having the toys you want to have, going to places you want to go to and living the lifestyle you want. Most people have an “I’ll believe it when I see it” mentality. Mark Victor Hansen has been saying for twenty years, “Believe it and you will see it.”
Many concepts come from unhealthy, unhappy and broke people. That’s how they justify what is going on in their lives. Don’t be “realistic.”
Your conscious mind is hooked up to your subconscious mind. Your conscious mind is like a captain. Your captain responds and is connected to your crew who will do anything you want. The crew is hooked up to the universe. There is no limit there. I don’t know how this works . This is not going to turn into a theological discussion. I am not going to take a lot of time talking about God and the universe and cosmic concepts. You have a power within you that, for most people, Millionaire is dormant. They never really think.
Man thinks in secret and it comes to pass.
Environment is but a looking glass. James Allen circa 1903
This is a master power available to you, and you are using it now. Use the power of your mind to take yourself to the next level.
Everything starts as a fantasy. Right now you are reading this, and the thought of your ever becoming a millionaire might be so wild, so beyond your imagination it almost makes you laugh. Don’t worry about it. Everything worthwhile starts out as a fantasy, a dream.
 If you hold on to a fantasy long enough and start playing with it, it turns in to some theories about how you can do it. Theories that are worked on,developed, and energized turn into facts.
There is a power available to you in your mind, and if you use it it will have a fantastic effect on your life. We are going to direct the power of our minds to produce happier lives for ourselves and our families and help create a better world.
You have concepts within you put there by authority figures. It’s time to yank those out. You were probably told things like: “Go and get a good education, study hard and once you get a good education with good grades, you’ll get a good job in a good company, work hard and long and stay there for twenty-fve years, receive a pension and be set for life.”
K.C. See puts it this way:
 You get a chicken little education so you can get some chicken little degree so you can go and impress some chicken little companies and go to work for some chicken little boss so you can stay in that chicken little company getting some chicken little paycheck for thirty years while listening to some guy you hate your whole life so at the end of thirty years you get some chicken little pension. That’s not a life, that’s chicken feed.
It’s called “take home pay” because you would be embarrassed to take it anywhere else. These concepts come from people who are unhealthy, unhappy and broke. What we are going to suggest is that you start evaluating those concepts. You have my permission to evaluate any concept.
You are strong enoughto go against authority figures. One bad habit usually spoils a dozen good ones.
Habits are either the best of servants or the worst of masters. Those habits are deeply ingrained in most people. You can be a millionaire. You don’t have to wait fifty years for it to happen. It can happen in the next two years. It can happen in the next year for you. You can make a million dollars a year.

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