
Thursday 9 June 2016


Magnetize yourself to Unrelenting Persistence.

Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
Trying to become wealthy can be tough on a person. It can be tough on a family. Many people lack the mental ability to hang in there in the tough times. You can control your thoughts. You can practice perspective by changing the way you interpret your circumstance, situations, and environments.
“The task is not to see a new world, but to see the world with new eyes.”
The people who can change the way they view their world will win without fail.
John Milton said, “The mind in itself, in its own place, can make a hell out of heaven and heaven out of hell.”
You will experience in life the results of the dominant thoughts within your mind. Why is it some people choose to see the worst in a situation while others choose to see the best in the same situation? Why do some people constantly see what’s gone wrong while others look for what’s right? Which one do you think will succeed on this great journey you’re on? Everyone has obstacles. Everyone needs perspective in the face of those challenges.
Your response in dealing with the storms of life will dictate the results you achieve. Remember there is something to learn in every challenge.

Hang in There and learn
Challenges of life will come. The only place on earth where there are no problems is a cemetery. Every place and every person will be hit by the storms of life. If you remember there is something to learn in every problem then you can learn to grow from the storms rather than being crushed by them.
W. Mitchell said, “It’s not what happens to us that counts, it’s what happens in us.”
“You’re less likely to lose too often than to quit too soon.” *Dave Weinbaum
Take a good look at the obstacles in your path. Instead of cursing them and wishing them away, ask yourself what you can learn from your situation. How can you become a better person in spite of your personal obstacles?
Someone once said that we experience life as painful until we learn our lesson. Remember, above every stormy cloud is a bright sun which never fades.
There is something to learn in every adverse situation!

remember there are two sides to every challenge
There are two sides to every coin.
The Chinese call this the Yin/Yang principle.
Every negative has a positive.You just have to look for it.One person's disaster will become the vehicle for another person to become wealthy. See your challenges in life as blessings in disguise and try to uncover the hidden opportunities.
During the Great Depression not everyone went belly-up. Some people actually became rich. When you see a problem you are looking at an opportunity. One of the fastest ways to become wealthy is to solve other people’s problems or ease their diffculties.
Many successful businesses have been born out of someone’s problem. A man took surplus saw dust from the lumber mills free of charge and formulated several wood-burning products from it. He saw the lumber yards had a problem with excess sawdust. They didn’t know what to do with it. He acted and began a wonderful business.
“If it’s going to be, it’s up to me.”

 remember, every challenge goes away.
Hang in There and be Patient
Every problem will go away. Either it will change or you will. No problem is permanent. It can’tbe permanent because everything is in a constant state of fux; everything changes. Worry is useless.
Instead of being ready to give in, remember that every problem has a limited life span. Things will get better. Seek to grow.
“Tough times never last, but tough people do.”
How about Communism? Or the Berlin Wall? Who could have guessed that the entire Berlin Wall could be demolished in a few days or that Communism in Russia would crumble in a few weeks?
Look at your problem and ask, “Will this matter fve years from now – what about next year?”
“Worry is like a rocking chair; it will give you something to do, but it won’t get you anywhere.”

 remember, if you can generate ideas then you can solve problems.
Hang in There and Think
Problems are not the problem. Ideas are the problem.
Every single problem, challenge, or storm you face today has as its solution, an idea waiting to be used. Understand that the only thing between your current and its removal is an idea.
Get your eyes off your problems and onto solutions. You may not be able to do anything about what has happened, but you surely can, and should, do something about finding a solution. That solution may seem like a fantasy right now, but keep in mind that the airplane was nothing but a fantasy until two brothers started searching for ideas to make their fantasy come true. Fantasies can become facts.
“I was convinced that if you thought small, you stayed small,and I had no intention of staying that way.”Ray Kroc

remember, you are not alone.
Hang in There and be Grateful
“The man with no shoes grumbled in the street until he met the man with no feet.”
You’re not alone. Even the most “together” people have storms to face. In fact, the people who are winning the most in life often have the biggest challenges in front of them. The people who win the most in life are often the biggest risk-takers. You’re not alone.
Align yourself with others who may be facing what you are facing. You could, perhaps, solve your problems together.
The more successful we become, the greater the challenge. Never forget, the greater the obstacle the greater the opportunity.
Most people know what they need to do to become wealthier. Most people
know their finances would be in better shape if they refused to buy on credit. Most people understand the need to save a certain percentage of their income for retirement or contingencies. Most people know that if they watched less television they would have more time to generate income.
 Once these habits become a part of your lifestyle, you will be on your way to fnancial freedom.

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