
Thursday 9 June 2016


To whom are you listening?
Most times people ask the wrong people for advice.
Why do people ask sick doctors how to get healthy?
Why do they ask “broke” people how to get rich? What a joke!
Write down everything you really would like to achieve in your life. See that list complete and full.
Imagine you take the list to the people you might show that list and what you think their reactions would be to that list.
What would your Parents say to you if you showed them your goals?
What would your professors or teachers think about that list?
What would they tell you if you told them you read this book"Millionaires' mindset" and wanted to achieve all the things on this list?
What about your religious leaders.? Many religious leaders have strong opinions about money, wealth, goal-setting, and achievement.
What would your religious leader say to you if you showed him the things you would really like to achieve?
What do you think a reporter for your local news channel would tell you if you showed him your list? Would he be encouraging? Would he help you? Would he tell you to be “realistic? “ What would his reaction be?
 your friends.? Imagine you go to a group of your closest friends and share your list with them. What would they tell you? How supportive would they be? Would they ridicule you?
Who said only wealthy people think about money?
 I know of many people who are broke who think about money all the time. People with money are not ethical? Come on!
Who do you think is robbing the banks? A millionaire will not stick up a convenience store or rob somebody at knife point! These silly poverty beliefs need to be challenged.
You need to attract money into your life, and you’ll never do that if you primarily believe that money is bad and that only evil people have money. What you must do is start thinking about how you can attract more money into your life. You have to change your views of money. Money is good!
How would you feel if you suddenly became rich.
How great would it be?
How would you feel if you had enough money to live the life you choose?
Think about the pain money has caused you and the things you grew up with and the history you have with money. You have to get yourself involved in seeing that the beliefs you have about money in many cases, were negative. Let’s face it. Most of us grew up with poverty consciousness. We need this exercise to start magnetizing ourselves to prosperous beliefs. You must shock your subconscious mind so you see money differently.

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