
Thursday 7 July 2016


“This is one of the resorts in the Rower’s resort chain. This is the Inn Keeper. He’ll get you back home. But first, you should spend some time with him.”

Rich replied “You mean invest some time with him?”

The Musician grinned “Yes, invest!”

“I met the Gardener today, and your gardens are almost as beautiful as hers. She has the most amazing vision you know. ”

The Inn Keeper sighed. “Ah yes, I had a friend who had a vision even bigger than the Gardener’s.”

“You do? Who is she?”

“Oh, she’s just a nobody. Never made anything of her life. Just gets by.”

Rich wasn’t expecting that. “Does she know what it takes to get wealthy? Has she met the Plumber, and the Fisherman? Has she met the Musician?”

“Oh, sure she has. She just never made it like they did.”

“Why didn’t she make it?”

“Because she was happy to settle for less. You know, I was too, until I became a better Inn Keeper.”

Rich waited expectantly.

“You know, I love to serve people. I love to give people a wonderful experience, especially when that is what they have specifically come for. I always wanted to do my best. I do that in my job, and I do that every day in my life. But in the past, my standards were low.”

“How could your standards be low if you were doing your best?”

The Inn Keeper asked “Have you ever been to a three star hotel?”

Rich thought about it “I’ve been inside the two star hotel in the village.”

“Were the people working there doing their best?”
“Yes, they were.”

“And did you have the same experience as you are having here?”(this was a 5 star★★★★★ hotel)
“No, of course not!” Rich paused.

The Inn Keeper continued, “For a long time, I always felt I tried my best, but I never seemed to get anywhere.
I began to invest my time in developing myself. I learnt many of the keys to wealth, but wealth still eluded me. It was then that I realized I was still living a two star life.

“Even though I knew I should be investing my time, I continued to spend it. Even though I knew I should be building a better plumbing system, I kept putting it off. Even though I knew there was a rhythm to wealth, I never looked hard enough for it.

I was still doing my best, but ultimately I was willing to settle for less.”

Rich interrupted “So how did you become a better Inn Keeper?”

“I raised my standards. You see, it isn’t your knowledge that will make you wealthy, it is what you do with that knowledge.”

“When I raised my standards, I was no longer willing to settle for spending my time. I was no longer willing to settle for a mediocre life. I was no longer willing to settle for a sloppy mind and blurred vision. When you no longer settle for certain behaviour, you have no option but to take action and change it.

“So the life we live is not determined by the life we want to live tomorrow, but by the life we settle for today. We settle for our standards.”

“Now, Rich. Here’s a secret for you.”

“Did the Musician tell you about attraction?”

Rich nodded.

“If you’re running a two star hotel, what kind of people are you going to attract?”

Rich answered “Two star people?”

“And if you’re running a five star hotel?”
Rich got the picture.

“And here’s another secret.” >> “Five star is about service, quality and conduct. These things don’t cost money.
It just takes better rules and better systems to ensure you don’t settle for less.

 So higher standards do not need to cost more and, in fact……Who do you think has to put in more effort? The man with the two star life or the man with the five star life?”

Rich thought about the people he knew who wanted more but were willing to settle for less.
There was no question: "The man with the two star life has to put in a lot  more effort.”

Rich then came up with a question for the Inn Keeper.
“Now that you are living a five star life, why do you choose to work for the Rower instead of working for yourself?”

The Inn Keeper erupted with laughter. “I love my work! Don’t take that away from me! I do what I love for a living, I live in my paradise expense-free, and  all my earnings are taken care of by a wonderful money plumbing system.

 Wealth has given me the freedom to choose, and this is what I choose. This is  my vision of the perfect life.”

The Inn Keeper sat up. “Now, Rich, I have a question for you. If you were to put me in a two star environment, what do you think would happen?

Would I go back to living a two star life?”
Rich thought the answer was obvious. “No, you would either change the environment or go back to an environment that was five star, because you  wouldn’t settle for less.”

The Inn Keeper nodded.
Rich sat in silence.

“Remember, Rich, you become your choices.

 All your choices and your learning will be made in your environment.

 If learning is a game, your environment is your playground. Don’t settle for less.”

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