
Thursday 7 July 2016


“Could I tell you my vision?” Rich began.
The Musician let out a light whistle from her flute and then paused. “Draw it for me.”

“So now tell me why you might fail.”
Rich thought about that. It wasn’t because he would make mistakes, because he planned to fail. It wouldn’t be because he would be wasting his time or his money, because he would be investing both. It wouldn’t be because he would be moving too fast or too slow, because he would follow a rhythm.

“I don’t know. How might I fail?”

“If you were to sow in the summer, or reap in the spring. If you were to forget about…” she played her flute again “…harmony.”

She looked over at Rich
“Tell me, Rich. What do you know about time?”

“I know that we wealthy people value it more than money. I know that we treat it very carefully because we see it as something precious. We hate to waste it.”

The Musician nodded in agreement. “Time cannot be compared to money. With money, when you spend it, you can always get more. With time, once you’ve
spent it, it’s gone. It never comes back.

Time is your most precious asset, so invest in understanding it better.”

Rich asked, “So what can you teach me to help me understand time better?”

The Musician looked out at the sea. “Time has flavours. Learn how to taste it, and your wealth is assured.” She paused. “I’ll show you. Watch the waves.”

Rich looked out at the waves. They looked like every other wave he’d seen. The Musician continued,
“Breathe with the wave.”

Rich began to breathe in as the water line receded, and breathe out as each wave broke back up on the beach. The Musician began to play her flute, playing
notes up and down the scale in time with the waves.

Rich could hear the Rower:
But this was something else. A tingle went down Rich’s spine with each new wave. A peculiar thing began to happen. He was no longer just Rich. He was
something much bigger. As he breathed, he became the sea, and the melody, and there became so much abundance.

He suddenly saw how much more he already had, and how much more he had to give.

Instead of feeling overwhelmed, he felt an incredible calm. He felt a surging inner strength well up within.

Rich felt an energy he could not describe. As he looked out, in harmony with some natural rhythm, he was struck by tremendous clarity.

Then he saw it. With a twinkle in his eye, he whispered “So THAT’s what the World is supposed to look like…”

The Musician continued, “When you find true harmony, you find untold strength.

 Harmony is the foundation of Wealth.”

“In the sea, there are ripples on waves on currents on tides. It’s the same with time. There are seasons within seasons.
There is a spring, summer, autumn, winter in each year, in each day. You have seasons in your life, in your relationships, in your investments and your businesses.

You have seasons in your learning and in your actions. Right now, you notice the seasons in your book. Your harmony gives you that knowledge.

“When you invest your time - to sow, nurture and reap your relationships and your investments, your learning and your passion, your vision and your
focus - make sure you sow in the spring, nurture in the summer and reap in the fall.

It’s not just what you do, it’s when you do it.”

The Musician continued:
“When you find your vision and clarity, you find your Wealth. When you find your Wealth, you can focus on how to invest your time. When you invest
your time, you create value. When you create value, your wealth begins to flow.

 When your wealth flows with rhythm and harmony, it begins to resonate.

“When you resonate, you create a vibration, like ripples in a pond. You create the most wonderful attraction – you attract the best people, the best opportunities, the best environment. That’s when you really begin to live life fully. When you resonate, you accumulate.”

“Is that how you became so wealthy? You attracted everything to you?”

The Musician shook her head. “The attraction isn’t the cause. It’s the effect. When you begin to attract wonderful things, that’s just the clue that you’re on
the right track.

If you are not, that’s a sign to recalibrate.

The attraction is the reward you get for your efforts.”

 when I became a better musician, I developed clarity about when and where to create new investments, when to build them, when to sell them.

I became a master of my time and my focus by just being in tune with the market and with my advisors.

I came across the secret of all great wealth.

“What’s the secret?”

She turned to Rich. “I began to know which note came next.”

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