
Wednesday 29 May 2019


"How long is it supposed to take someone to say "I love you"? I wonder

How many people have you told "I love you" and how many of them are still around😏.
How many have you told? Did you mean it?

These three magical words hold so much weight for most people and if told several times especially by the ones who left, then makes it loose its meaning to them

For me, saying "i love you"is like the beginning of the end. More of like Goodmorning to Goodnight. Anything could happen because often times the other person may not be on the same page as you are so they'd say it back just not to hurt your feelings… Or maybe they could have been waiting for you to say it first

People are very different. Some people constantly want to be reminded that they are loved… Some don't see the need of saying the words.. Others like to be shown…
whichever your love language is… We all just want to mean something special to someone (find time to research about your love language so your relationships can be abit easier to understand)

Same way different people can hear the same music differently
That's the mystery of music, love and life in general

Maybe you are afraid to say that you love them just because you have not said it to the right person yet, take a chance, Cmon
It's the Simplest word to say. But There's nothing simple about what remains unsaid after you do

By simply saying "I love you" the unsaid are:

❤️I know I will/may get hurt but am ready to be healed with you

❤️I want to try even when the fear of failure holds me back

❤️I do not know the future but I'm ready to be surprised along the way

❤️ It Means I want your love and I do give you mine

❤️ Nothing we do will ever be the same... Cs we will be doing it, you and i

Always remember that Just because it did not happen with them doesn't mean it will not happen with someone else

I think people who are truly in love don't really appreciate how rare what they have could be

But when it happens to you or is happening to you right now, ... I hope you celebrate it as much as you can and let the world know

Always remember to have good intentions in everything you do. In a world where you can be anything you want, stay kind❤️

This is my world.

Call me Chica! 😊


  1. Nice blog.... powerful words....i love you

  2. Wow... The talent in this woman is just frightening. Always a pleasure reading your pieces Chica. They speak to my soul.

  3. I love it love I love it Jowjow
    Ingine isije

  4. Awesome.The grammar is on point,I also like your creativity or rather talent..Nice piece!!

  5. Niice piece boobs

