
Tuesday 31 March 2020


Hold up🤭
Mind some TEA?


The greeting is long because I'm afraid after tonight you may hate me and probably never come back to my blog again😄

Or maybe I will blow your mind and you will continue loving me...cause you do anyways👅....
My fingers are crossed at this point
All my life I've always felt some type of way about this second wife/ sidechic conversation until recently  when......well, never mind😄

Of course some of us grew up with the evil step mom and would never ever consider being the other wife...probably because of the experiences they had- I understand

The other group belongs to the "I can't share"😄...well, I have no comment on this, honestly 😄

Wengine ilhali...(is that correct?😄) are in for it because they think it comes with less reaponsibilities and woevaa🙄

Others want to be the QUEEN Kunta of his heart and look for his weakness so as to win him over

Whatever your school of thought is..... don't sweat it sis😄

Honestly,  just work on your SELF
be the best version of you that can ever be

A good man will find you at the right time and you will just know

The mistake most of us make is having expectations and building the man we want in our head before we actually meet him....tall(is relative btw), rich, yada yada yada😄😄...wotevsss🙄

What I'm saying is...when you are your best possible self....a good man will come....he may be widowed, divorced, single, married( and genuinely seeking another wife), with kids....whatever package he comes in long as his intentions are pure and he genuinely gives several effs about you.....don't overthink it sis

Miss Buns(mì ladiè in white)said
“A good man will come. His package( the divorced,married,single) part is just an accessory and I think it’s us women who influence how a man will act..A man will neglect his first family because the second wife allows it”

God will take care of you...well this sounds sad😄
I’ve learnt that we need to TRUST ourselves so much that other people’s opinion on the decisions we make and the consequences that they come with will have very little or no effect on us...
Validate your decision to yourself . And at the end of the day everybody has their reasons for wanting to be who ever and whatever they choose to . We are in the 21st century anyways and we need not to base our opinions/feelings/decisions on the society.

You get what I mean...right?😄😄😂


Just call me Chica!


  1. Another wonderful piece..I agree with your school of thought..We live in a world where we want people to validate every decision we make and we’ll always rely on what they think of us instead of thinking about what we know about ourselves..Finding our definition of a perfect man is a very diverse topic and at the end of the day what matters is who he is (the single,divorced and has a wife part are just part of the package not the product)..At the end of the day what matters is if it feels right to you and makes you happy then go for it.

    1. Yeeeeeeeeeeesssss Buns
      Thank you for inspiring this article
      And for always cheering me on💛

  2. 🤓 its so real I love the concept

  3. Would you trust this man with your love?

    A man that goes on dates with you...

    A man that you're intimate with...

    A man that gives you kisses and hugs...

    A man that spends his days and nights with you...

    A man that calls and tells you good morning...

    and does the same at night...

    A man that supports your dreams...

    A man that cooks for you...

    A man that puts you first...

    A man that doesn't want you dating other men..


    Dates you for years without any official 'TITLE'..

    Never talks about you and him getting married...

    Never talks about you in a future tense (as in you being in his FUTURE life and endeavors)

    A man that does everything a boyfriend does and wants you to do everything a girlfriend does, but seems to have ZERO intention on ever making you his girlfriend, or a wife...

    Would you trust this man?

    Many women do trust this man, and I'm sure you've dealt with a man just like this and was just as confused as most women are when men do this!

    Show every sign of being a great boyfriend, but DOES NOT WANT TO MAKE IT OFFICIAL!

    What is that about?

    Well it's about a man's words not matching his actions

    1. This is a whole nother topic on it's own....what I'd say is....if your ambitions don't align ,what are you doing there in the first place

      Its important for a couple to keep communication as open as possible. Tell him you want to get married and if he is not in for it within your timeframe..its time to male an exit plan

      Not all relationships or people like titles or getting married

      As long as yall talk about will know

  4. We get what you mean and as usual we shall call you, Chica😜. Umeanza kuwasha moto, but then again what I usually say is, as long as you are happy with who you are with then nothing matters. Nice piece, you never disappoint 👌🙌

    1. Yesssssss......mister T with the good vibes
      Thank you

  5. Yet another insightful piece. Thought provoking and incisive. Keep them coming Chica

