
Friday 29 May 2020


Hey Chica family ๐Ÿค“
Okay that doesn't sound as cool as I thought it would

How have ya'll been?

It's been a while
I almost feel like I'm always giving you teasers then going MIA

๐Ÿ˜€ honestly, I'm a M.E.S.S!

Been trying to put myself together for a while now. Thing is:...I have all the information I need.

Trust me, I'm a good student and I keep quality handwritten notes

What I find confusing is the fact that I don't know where to start from

Kind of feels like I'm tripping sometimes...but that's life. Right?

One minute we are sooo, okay and composed and sooo over what used to make us overthink and cry ourselves to sleep then the next second you are ten steps backwards and you have nobody to talk to because everyone thinks you are happy and composed and close to almost look and sound ungrateful  when you confide in someone so you choose to just hibernate and figure it all out on your own๐Ÿฅบ

See.... nothing prepares us for life more than life itself

And every time you find yourself hurtful and hard as it always feels, you have to take a breather, get back on your feet and do what you got to do.

It's easy to admire people around us or on social media who have so many friends or people to be there for them....

Take a detour...take a break if you need to, However long

Spend time with yourself and intentionally listen

You are waay stronger, braver, smarter and more deserving than you think

Incase you are having it rough and have nobody to talk to, be your own sunshine...cheer up and be your greatest supporter on your team

You will be okay....tough times don't last.

I would dedicate my favourite jam right now but I'll sound cheesy๐Ÿ˜’

I love you ❤️

Send me a mail( you need someone to talk to

This is my world

Call me Chica❤️


  1. ❤❤❤ love and light๐Ÿ˜˜

  2. Be your own sunshine... That's my take away. Yet another timeless piece from a beautiful mind. Some deep stuff up there. Keep winning ��

  3. Be your own cheerleader ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐ŸŽŠ

  4. First, can we be called Tribe Chica?
    I feel this article on all levels because personally, people don't believe when I am not okay or at my lowest because I "don't look like it" and I learning to live with that.

    My advice to anyone would be, just breath! Then accept the fact that there are things you have absolutely no control over and gradually work on the things you can change and fix. However little the progress it is still a step in the right direction. Get some sunshine and fresh air, open your windows often and take a walk or a run. It FIXES!

    1. Tolbert!
      Aawwh...thank you for this feedback and thanks for always being here

      Tribe Chica sounds so cool๐Ÿ˜€

      I'm sure everyone in here adores you and looks forward to your comments all the time


